
Methadone Treatment Delivered to Your P.O. Box

Competition Entry

created with Aya Abdallah

While often in counterpose to one another, [post]Clinic is tuned to harmonize the emotions of the patient with those of the general public. In merging the program of a Post Office, [public] with that of the Methadone Medication Unit [patient], the design creates three distinct emotional realms that mirror the stages of addiction recovery: 1] Privacy while undergoing methadone treatment 2] Semi-privacy while undergoing therapy and 3] the gradual reintroduction to the public upon recovery.

The neutral ground of the spaces develop the emotions of the public dispelling prejudice toward those members of the community struggling with addiction and celebrate the addition of [post]Clinic as an architectural asset. 

The design of the proposed building is inspired by the historic 1939 Venice Post Office. 

Three different populations come together in one space, operating side by side: government employees of USPS working at the location, the general public accessing their mail, and the recovering patients picking up their daily dose of methadone and seeking professional help. 

1 Methadone Pick-Up:
Patients conveniently & anonymously access their methadone prescription from their P.O. Box, amongst the public USPS mailboxes.

2 Therapy:
Patients seeking calm can use the semi-public garden space to join small group therapy or remote sessions with a professional.

3 Public Integration:
Patients & the public take part in outdoor performances, testimonials and seating. It’s prominent location at the corner of Electric Ave & Broadway invites all to take part.